Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage

Advancing the State of Cloud Data Protection – Actifio 10c - Most data protection solutions use the public cloud as a digital dumping ground to lower the cost of on-premises data protection infrastructure. To save costs, vendors often store the backup data set in a low-cost object store like Amazon’s Simple
Amazon EC2 Workloads Need Availability and Backup - There is a difference between availability and backup. Providing a workload with high availability means that if a component of the infrastructure fails, adequate measures are in place to ensure that the use of the workload continues with little or
Meeting the Storage Challenges of Azure Stack Edge Deployments - The public cloud is typically looked on as the great consolidator. Organizations, small and large, use the cloud as a hub for data storage and distribution. Recently, however, there has been a proliferation of edge use cases, and the major
Overcoming the DRaaS Time Compromise - Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) looks great on paper. DRaaS vendors tell organizations that they can eliminate their disaster recovery site and recover on-demand, in the cloud. The potential for cost savings abounds. Organizations have the potential to reduce
File Servers; Is It Time to Say Goodbye? - Unstructured data is the fastest-growing segment of data in the data center. A significant portion of data within unstructured data is the data that users create though office productivity and other specialized applications. User data also often represents the bulk
Does Cloud-Native Mean Cloud Protected? - As organizations migrate applications to the cloud, they sometimes assume that data protection is built-in to the service. However, what cloud service providers offer is high availability and durability, not backup. But organizations, whether their applications are in the cloud
Veritas Flex 5150 Briefing Note – Solving the Edge Data Center Protection Challenge - Organizations are no longer all centrally located at a single headquarters. They are not even a collection of three or four locations. Instead, the modern organization can have dozens of sites. In specific industries like retail, these organizations can have
Is Your Storage Ready for the Data-Driven Economy? – SwiftStack Briefing Note - Organizations need to re-think their storage architectures for the data-driven economy. How an organization captures, stores, and analyzes data, can dictate how successful it might be in this new economic model where data drives organizations. The data-driven economy is not
Virtual Instruments Briefing Note – Virtana Announcement - The data center, in most cases, is a mixture of legacy and modern applications that exist, both on-premises and in the cloud. To provide organizations with a competitive advantage, IT needs to use and manage these resources efficiently. IT professionals
A Better Convergence for Converged Data Protection? - Converged data protection solutions attempt to manage all backup software and protection storage management operations from a single interface. These solutions also tend to be scale-out, addressing another big backup pain point, scaling and managing the backup repository. The challenge

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