StorageShort: Is Software-only SDS the best way to implement this technology?

There are a number of ways to implement SDS, including as a software-only solution. This method allows the user to provide the hardware, even re-purposing existing equipment in some cases. There are a number of user benefits to leveraging SDS technology in this way, as Nexenta does.

For more details on how manufacturers are implementing software-defined storage technologies, and what benefits they can deliver, tune in to this on-demand webinar with StorageSwiss Founder, George Crump and Thomas Cornley from Nexenta.

Click To Watch On Demand

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Eric is an Analyst with Storage Switzerland and has over 25 years experience in high-technology industries. He’s held technical, management and marketing positions in the computer storage, instrumentation, digital imaging and test equipment fields. He has spent the past 15 years in the data storage field, with storage hardware manufacturers and as a national storage integrator, designing and implementing open systems storage solutions for companies in the Western United States.  Eric earned degrees in electrical/computer engineering from the University of Colorado and marketing from California State University, Humboldt.  He and his wife live in Colorado and have twins in college.

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